Expert Opinions

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Mr. Martin offers unbiased expert opinions based on the review of the case and his 48 years of experience working as a mine safety professional.

He helps clarify technical or intricate matters for the court to assist judges and juries in understanding complex concepts. He has provided testimony and expert work involving the AEP water inundation in 1993, the Sago Mine Explosion in 2006 and the UBB Mine Explosion in 2010.

Mr. Martin was selected as the lead Mine Safety Expert in the Massey Energy CEO Criminal Case litigated by the US Department of Justice, Southern District of West Virginia. Mr. Martin and Martin Consulting provided research and litigation support to Spillman Thomas Battle, PLLC Charleston, WV; and Zuckerman Spaeder, LLP; Washington DC. Mr. Martin provided Deposition Testimony as well as Grand Jury Testimony in these cases. Mr. Martin has provided testimony and developed expert opinions in over 31 civil and criminal cases involving MSHA mine safety cases as well as several OSHA general industry cases.